Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I survived a tropical storm!

I kind of lied in the title .  It wasnt a tropical storm but a 'Depression' which apparently has a different meaning to meteorological nerds.  [It says a lot when you're called a nerd by a biologist bird-nerd like myself.  If you didn't know, there is a secret hierarchy of nerds and those who stare up into the sky at clouds are among the nerdiest! JK]  From what I hear a depression is a relatively low grade incident but can still cause some damage.  We got LOTS of rain and winds up to 35 mph.  Being from Oklahoma and having seen my share of tornadoes and storms, all I noticed was a refreshing shower and a nice breeze.  Locals had their windows boarded up and typhoon shutter closed ready for the worst.  I wasn't that worried about it which means I'm either naive and overly confident (and should have been terrified) or I recognize how cautious weathermen can be with their weather advisories.  I dont know; either way I'm alive.  I couldnt go into the field to work and we lost power for a couple hours which meant I got to read and do crosswords.  Other than that, it wasn't that bad.  I get to say that I survived a tropical depression.  I lost a day of field work, but was luckily able to make it up.

I've got some other pretty pictures from a walk along the beach that I'll probably show in a new post in a couple of days.  I need to go into the field so I'll get back to you all.  Sorry I waited 2 weeks between post but things have been busy and hectic

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